Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?

Zechariah 4:10

we believe God is calling us a Church to become the kind of church that reflects some of His heart to a God starved world. We have a long way to go, but with the extraordinary grace of God, we refuse to give up on becoming all God wants us to become, and doing all God wants us to do - no matter how long it takes, and no matter what the cost. We believe that authentic relationships should come before everything else - an authentic relationship between each one of us and our heavenly Father and authentic relationships between one another. With our aim to get back to God's original New Testament pattern for church, we are passionate about releasing every believer, through Life Churches, to fulfill God's purpose in their lives and for their generation and thus moving every group moving in power. Based in Udaipur, Rajasthan Pentecostal Church, Udaipur is an affilitate member of Filadelfia Fellowship of Churche.s, a nationwide movement of Churches.


The present-day Rajasthan Pentecostal Church stands on the strong spiritual foundation laid by Pastor Thomas Mathews. What we see today is a testimony of God’s faithfulness. The Church had its humble beginnings in the year 1963 with its first worship place being a rented accommodation that Pastor Thomas rented with some of his friends. It was a 10 x 10 space at 250, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur. A handful of believers including Brother Ponnachen, Baby Sir and Pastor David Raj and family who later became a seedbed for future mission work, met here for the weekly worship
When this space could not hold any more believers, Pastor Thomas rented another building called Manohar Bhavan, a 1500 sq. ft. facility, in the year 1965, which was then a large and spacious building. They continued to rent it until they were able to purchase it in the year 1979. The name Manohar Bhawan meant ‘a beautiful building’ but later it was changed to ‘Gospel Centre’ and it became the hub of several activities like short term women’s summer bible training, hosting Operation mobilisation teams from the region and even a printing press for Christian literature.
God blessed the ministry immeasurably and the Centre couldn’t hold the increasing number of people that were being added. In 1981 regular church service was moved to the Bhandari Darshak Mandap, a public rental facility. This is where the church met and worshipped until 1985.
In 1984 God honoured the faith of the believers and gave them a place of their own which they bought. Construction was started and the Church moved to the present Filadelfia Campus near Sanjay Park in 1985. Despite several obstacles and severe difficulties and with nothing more than meagre funds and a huge faith they began the construction work for a building space of 2500 sq.ft. facility. To accomplish this work, God brought people from different places and backgrounds to give shape to this God given dream.
The church met in this facility for twelve years and held conventions and larger meetings in the open grounds. In one such church convention which was held in the open under tents, it rained heavily and strong winds blew the tent to the ground and the seating arrangement and equipment got soaking wet.
That is when a faith declaration was made by Pastor Mathews to build a hall large enough to safely accommodate hundreds of people for worship. Later the Lord helped construct the present-day church building, a 5000 sq ft. facility in the same campus, which was built sacrificially from a heart filled with faith by local believers and friends from around the world who loved the work. It took six years for it to be completed but it did not deter the people from gathering and worshipping the Lord in the half-built church with rough floors.

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Our core values are rooted in scripture, rather than speculation or tradition. Though we seek to be geared to the times, we are determined to anchor ourselves to the rock of the timeless truth.
